Friday, 27 May 2011

Malam ini tidak perlulah kau tahu kalau aku rindu.
Aku rindu kau, untuk aku rasa saja, bukan untuk kau tahu.
Meski rindu itu ada untuk dibayar,
anggap malam ini aku memilih untuk berhutang saja padamu,
agar kau selalu ingat aku.

*saat sms mainstream 'I Miss You' tidak cukup mewakili / mengobati rindu*
[duapuluh tujuh mei pukul sebelas kurang delapan menit oleh citra]

Thursday, 26 May 2011


Gue lupa pernah difoto gini pake kameranya Gea. Kita mampir ke padang rumput ini sebelum pergi nganter lo ke Baraya Travel. Saat itu partere rame, lagi Freshman Greeting 2010. Kesitu dulu karena gue selalu suka partere saat FG, selalu suka. Ya sudahlah.

Meskipun helm gue cuma satu doang, gue ga takut polisi, tapi lo takut, tapi karena lo lebih takut ketinggalan travel, jadi kita tetep capcus.

Waktu pas lewat Lou Belle, si lengan kaos lo nyangkut ke motor orang, tau-tau si motor orang itu jatoh dan kitanya tiis aja ninggalin TKP. Pas lewat ITB, ujan tiba-tiba gede, terpaksa neduh dulu.

Alhasil, kita nyampe travel dengan keadaan basah kuyup.

Beres nge-drop lo, gue balik.

Dijalan gue mikir:
Aneh, padahal asalnya cuaca panas bener.


Karma kali.

Dim, kadang-kadang, hanya kadang-kadang doang, gue kangen begini sama lo.


*foto diambil oleh Gea, 9 Agustus 2010 sekitar jam setengah 2 siang, pakai kamera slr digital Canon*
[mei di hari ke duapuluh enam pukul sembilan lewat sembilan oleh citra]

Saturday, 14 May 2011

One of Those Fine Nights

Taking photographs at Braga Street seems so last year these days (in my opinion, of course). You know, too many photographs taking place here; from casual, documentary, to pre-wedding photographs. Go check your facebook friends' profile picture, you'll find at least a photo of them in front of that white-brick wall house (most of them take pictures there), even I have those photos at Braga haha. But, last night, Velentina and I went there. Along with Niko, I took some photos of her (and I asked her to strike poses in front of that house haha).
In this photoshoot, I didn't focus too much on setting. I found a new style in taking photos, here they are.

I used long shutter (1/10 - 1/6), wide aperture (f/3.5), wide angel (18mm), and rear flash mode to have those effects. I saw photographer fellows having those mix of blurry-shining, -ah you name it - photographs. I've been wondering how they do that. And last night, I found it! Pretty cool though for this is the first time I use this style.
Next time, I'm gonna apply it in taking stage photographs. Hope it'll do so much.

Despite of that photography stuff, we were really having a good night together. =)

*thankies, Mony. *smooch*
[may fourteenth at four past three pm by citra]

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

been sitting for hours
i need to hear from you
to know that you're alright
then i think you are
but still
this heart wonders
and worries

darling, be home
it's late

darling, be safe

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Starlit Carousel: The Purchase

Finally, I have guts to purchase a CD. After saving for weeks, I got enough bucks to spend it on an art work that actually can be freely downloaded from the internet, but I guess this time I reject piracy for a while and purchase the original tangible version instead.

So I went to Omuniuum book and music store at Ciumbuleuit, right in front of Universitas Parahyangan. At first, I wanted to check whether they still sell Tika and the Dissidents’ album, but darn, it is sold out. Then, I ended up buying a “Robinson Crusoe” novel, and an 90’s-released book entitled “Budaya Massa dan Pergeseran Masyarakat”.

Yesterday, I went to Omuniuum again. Accompanied by si Jebag, I bought Starlit Carousel EP by Frau. Taraa, it’s worth the cost.

In fact, the satisfaction of having and holding the EP in my hand cannot be bought by 35K.

I cannot write another lame review about Frau. Those which have been written around the web are convincing enough for you to try to listen to one of the track like “Mesin Penenun Hujan”.
Actually, I have downloaded the digital EP of Starlit Carousel (can be legally downloaded at and fall in love with it at the first listening. But finding that the packaged version is unique, I buy it to forget the disappointment of the fact that the Headless Songstress album was sold out.

And yay! I fall in love two times! With the songs and the package as well.

Outter Look of "Starlit Carousel"


Best served with coffee / tea and cigarette (additional haha)

Pop-up design

Spin to read the lyrics

I've told you, it's unique, isn't it? =)
Oh, and apparently, I bought this Starlit Carousel right at its first birthday on 30 April. How coincident!

Well, last but not least, the EP is highly recommended. It's quite easy listening and does suit any kind of mood. For those who love listening to music like Regina Spektor, try Frau!

P.S: This is my first CD I've ever purchased so far hahaha. Next: Mian Tiara - The Comfort of My Own Company. The news will follow hehe.

*thank you for accompanying me to Omuniuum, Jebag, l**e you =)*
[first of may. nine seventeen pm. by citra]