Friday, 30 March 2012

I'm just not good at picking colours

So, I shoot in B/W instead...

to be continued...

“When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!” 

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Header Preview [for Aditryan]

Khusus ditujukan buat kau, Aditryan!
Kalau minat, kirim email ke dewisaraswati23(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Friday, 23 March 2012

This Morning, KFC Coffee

FYI: That's not a pair of chopsticks hhahaha :D

Just trying KFC's new premium hazelnut coffee. You may want to try it too. The taste is good, the price is quite reasonable. Eventhough I accidentally burnt my tounge, it was all worth it.

Oh, by the way, nice quotation :)
[march twenty three at one forty four pm by citra]

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

On Warung Lela and You

Apa itu Warung Lela?

Kedai di bilangan Dago Atas itu adalah tempat terbaik untuk mendapatkan coklat panas. Bukan sekedar coklat panas biasa; buat saya, coklat panas yang dijual di sana adalah produk terbaik untuk mengusir mood negatif. Coklat panas ajaib. Lokasinya ditempatkan di wilayah terbaik, dengan udara dan pemandangan terbaik di Bandung. Interiornya didesain agar kita merasa sedang duduk-duduk di paviliun rumah. Benda-benda antik dan furnitur kayu memberi kesan etnik dan klasik pada tempat itu.

Menunya memang tidak variatif, tidak lebih variatif dari menu restoran waralaba cepat saji. Tapi mereka menyajikan yamin manis terenak setelah yamin-nya Restorja. Didampingi oleh coklat panas yang ajaib itu, makan di Wale merupakan bentuk lain dari relaksasi setelah penat berkegiatan sepanjang hari.

Jika senja berlalu - tidak seperti di lagu - hati tidak akan jadi pilu, karena musik pop taun 90 sampai awal 2000an yang dimainkan lewat pengeras suara dalam volume rendah secara konstan memanjakan indera pendengaran.

Tapi ini bukan promosi.

Kamis itu, saat kehabisan tiket Mancawarna Sarasvati, dan takut terjebak hujan, kita ke Wale, bersama untuk pertama kalinya.
Saat itu Wale seperti biasa. Tempat terbaik untuk mendapatkan coklat panas dan yamin manis, dengan udara, pemandangan, dan interior ruangan terbaik.

Yang tidak biasa hari itu, saya berlama-lama.

Lama. Empat jam, kalau tidak salah
Benar saja, turun hujan. Dari sore, petang, hingga malam.

Hari itu,
Tidak biasa, karena di sana saya satu meja dengan kamu.
Selama empat jam dalam komunikasi verbal-visual yang menyenangkan.

Dan sejak saat itu,

Kamu, hehe, iya kamu mengubah segalanya yang saya tahu tentang Wale.

Karena mulai hari itu, Wale tidak pernah akan sama lagi buat saya.
Bukan lagi kedai terbaik yang menjual coklat panas ajaib.
Bukan interior, udara, pemandangan, aroma yamin manis-nya, atau musik pop kesayangan yang bikin betah.

Semua itu tidak jadi cukup lagi, karena, Wale akan lebih baik dikunjungi jika bersama kamu.

For some of you who are coming from outside Bandung (or from Bandung as well), you may wonder what Warung Lela is.
Warung Lela, a noodle shop around Dago Atas, is the best place to get a cup of hot chocolate. As for me, it's not just an ordinary hot chocolate; it's the best product that can get rid of any negative moods. You can name it a magical hot chocolate.
The shop is located at the best terrain, with the best air and scenery on Bandung. Its interior design makes you feel like you are sitting in Grandma's warm living room. The knick-knacks, antique decorations and wooden furniture just give the place a touch of ethnicity.

The menu is not so varied though, not more than that of fast food joint. Yet they have the tastiest yamien ever tasted. Along with that magical hot chocolate, dining at Wale is a sort of relaxation after a long stressful day.

As the day turns into night, you wont be in blue since pop songs around 90s and late 2000s are continually soothing your ear bud in a low volume.

But this is neither another advertisement nor review. I'm not paid for this.

It's about that Thursday.
We missed out on the ticket to Mancawarna Sarasvati and it looked like rain. So we headed off to the upper Dago to get some food and shelter. So, to Wale we went, together for the first time.

That Thursday, Wale was just usual. The best place to get a cup of hot chocolate and yamien, with its best scenery and decorations.

Unusual thing was that I lingered... for four hours if not mistaken. It was raining, just like what we had predicted.

That Thursday
was unsual, because I sat there, engaged for four hours in a nice verbal-visual conversation with you.

And from that day on, you changed all the things I know about Wale.
Wale is never the same again.
It's no longer a noodle shop to get the best hot chocolate.
It's no longer the interior design, the air, the scenery, the sweet smell of yamien, or the pop musics that matter.
They are never satisfying enough, not without you.

Because it's you that will light up the place alive.

Warung Lela
Jl. Kupa No. 6, Rancakendal, Dago Atas
for all the celebration :)
[march twentyone four minute to twelve pm by citra]

Friday, 16 March 2012

Brand New Header

Say hello to my brand new header, say goodbye to the old emotional one, and say no to drugs. How does it look? Pretty good, huh?

Well, for a choosy person like me, deciding what's the best header for my blog is just an epic feat (like choosing topic for my final research). Hahahaha :D

After hours desperately browsing the net to get inspired and meditating under the bodhi tree finally I found my old photographs in 2010 photo archives. Drag and drop it to Photoshop and add my blog title on in and it's set. So, here I am with my brand new header. No more blackish emotional touch.

Anyway, for your information, the scenery image used for the header is my own photograph (in case you're wondering whose photograph is that). It was taken around Subang back in 2010. I used my old slr camera, Yashica FX 2000, with ISO 200 expired negative film.
It's nice to back to analog sometimes, isn't it? And, oh, how I love the typeface :)

[march sixteen on one pm by citra]

Sunday, 11 March 2012

If You're Feeling Sinister*


Is it normative to post multiple posts a day?

Well, who cares. I don’t think I’ve ever acquired a wide readership. It never occurs to me though. Only God knows who read this. But, yeah, I post anyway. Hahaha :D

Soon after the previous post, I was staring at the screen, fixedly at my blog, and I feel like: “What was I thinking? Why did I choose black? It looks damn gloomy. I feel like reading a blog of an emo.”

I know, I know, previous theme was so sinister. Let see if I can pimp it up a bit later (if only I have the goddamn time), so it would not look like telling sad, sad, sad, emotional stories. Because, I’m not really that sad, am I?

Oh, shut up, Dinkleberg! I know I’m slightly miserable.


*Belle and Sebastian's song

[still march eleven, three thirty pm, by citra]


Cholil Mahmud of Efek Rumah Kaca performing Melankolia at Universitas Parahyangan, February 12, 2011.

Aloha, long time no post and suddenly came up with the picture and annoying title, not that I mention that I am in the state of melancholia, oh no, no, no, as a matter of fact, I am melancholic no more.

Well, not much to say in this sour if not bitter rendezvous. Just to make you, anyone nearby, aware that I'm back in business posting another annoying posts *evil grin, evil horns, evil tail*.
So, get prepared, mi señor y señora. Hasta la vista!

will. post again. soon
[march eleven, twenty twelve at eight ante meridiem by citra]