Friday, 16 March 2012

Brand New Header

Say hello to my brand new header, say goodbye to the old emotional one, and say no to drugs. How does it look? Pretty good, huh?

Well, for a choosy person like me, deciding what's the best header for my blog is just an epic feat (like choosing topic for my final research). Hahahaha :D

After hours desperately browsing the net to get inspired and meditating under the bodhi tree finally I found my old photographs in 2010 photo archives. Drag and drop it to Photoshop and add my blog title on in and it's set. So, here I am with my brand new header. No more blackish emotional touch.

Anyway, for your information, the scenery image used for the header is my own photograph (in case you're wondering whose photograph is that). It was taken around Subang back in 2010. I used my old slr camera, Yashica FX 2000, with ISO 200 expired negative film.
It's nice to back to analog sometimes, isn't it? And, oh, how I love the typeface :)

[march sixteen on one pm by citra]


  1. Nice new header. Mind to make one for my blog? hahaha x)

    1. well, thanks :)
      btw, foto pegangan dalem bis (gatau apa namanya)yang lo ambil di Jakarta kalau ga salah itu keren siah. but if u insist, mau yang macem begimana tah? ahaha

    2. yang manaaaa? Lupa. Bebas ajah, ciw. I know u're the best for that. heheh

    3. ada tau, perasaan jadi header lo da dulu2 pas awal2 lo ngeblog, bagus tau yang itu.
      i'll contact u soon :)

  2. Replies
    1. dih, ngomen teh yang baleg atuh hahaha
