Di bawah garland dan judul album Lady GaGa ini
kita pernah bertukar canda dan saling mengecup kening.
Sejak saat
itu, definisi kebahagiaan adalah sebuah momen ketika aku memandang matamu, aku
bisa melihat melaluinya, jiwamu.
itu dimana-mana.
salah satunya, ada di sudut kamar.
Under this
garland and Lady Gaga’s album title, we have been joking around and kissing each
other forehead.
From that
moment on, happiness is defined as: a moment when I see your eyes and I can see,
right through them, your soul.
I know that
happiness is around the corner; always has been, always will be.
Funny thing
is: thanks to you, I always find mine on the corner of my bedroom.